Strategic Highway Safety Plan Support

CARTS, through partnering with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) in the execution of the Louisiana Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), engages in stakeholder and community support activities to build partnerships, raise awareness, and garner support for its safety.

SHSP Support Projects

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Enhance and maintain the Destination Zero Deaths. This website is the go-to spot for everything SHSP in Louisiana. CARTS maintains and updates the website as needed.
  • Maintain and update the annual SHSP Action Plans for the state. We also annually assists in writing action steps.

Public Awareness Campaigns

  • Update the annual Louisiana Transportation Safety Calendar to share monthly safety messages that will be shared on social media. CARTS also creates monthly safety messages and distributes them to stakeholders to share on their social media platforms.
  • Execute a plan to form and lead a Communications Coordinating Committee composed of various stakeholders throughout Louisiana.
  • Assist with Creating PSA videos to discuss the 9 regional safety coalitions, impaired driving awareness, and buckle-up phone down.

Safety Workshop and Seminars

  • Aid in hosting interactive educational sessions on the dangers of distracted driving to almost 100 teenagers participating in 4-H University. This workshop will be held annually and will focus on all aspects of risky driving behaviors.

Collaborative Partnerships

  • Organize filming of safety PSAs with Louisiana State Police, Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, AAA, Louisiana Passenger Safety Taskforce as well as other safety stakeholders in the state.

Data Sharing and Transparency

  • Develop crash data fact sheets to share with state legislators.
  • Hosts training on the SHSP Data Dashboards for stakeholders and coalition coordinators.

Safety Education Program

  • Assist in developing a multidisciplinary unit of study focused on distracted driving awareness for high school students.

Safety Demonstration and Events

  • Generate materials for seat belt and distracted driving observation events to be conducted with young drivers.

Media Relations

  • Offer SHSP data dashboard training to media personnel.