
Staff members at the Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety (CARTS) are proud to represent LSU at numerous professional conferences each year. Louisiana is a leader in transportation safety, in part due to CARTS' contributions to the advancement of traffic records. In its work, CARTS uses emerging technology and innovative methodologies in GIS, data visualization, data quality, and business intelligence.


Alcohol and Drug Toxicology Record Automation and the Future of Data Integration in Louisiana - Michael Allen and Sara Graham


Integrating Louisiana Safety Systems with ESRI R&H to Support Crash Data Collection - Bethany Campbell
Pattern Recognition Analysis – There’s an App for That - Michael Allen
Crash Query Tool Demonstration - Jason Hines

Southeast CMV Safety Research Summit

Artificial Intelligence Methods for Motor Vehicle Safety - Phillip Breaux (co-presented with David Whitchurch and Dr. Mukhopadhyay)

Louisiana Highway Safety Summit

Louisiana Safety Segments: A Statewide Roadway Database - Bethany Campbell

AMPO Conference

Innovative Techniques for Managing and Updating Local Road Data - Phillip Breaux

The Louisiana Traffic Records Coordinating Committee along with the Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety (a division of the E. J. Ourso College of Business) and other TRCC Members hosted the second annual Traffic Records User Conference on LSU's Campus on July 30. Attendees included numerous law enforcement personnel, state agency representatives, and other traffic safety stakeholders. Ralph D. Mitchell Jr., retired Lt. Colonel, Louisiana State Police, gave the keynote presentation on Updating the Louisiana Crash Report. Breakout sessions included topics on Local Roadway Data Governance, A Data-Driven Approach to HSIP Performance Measure Target Planning for MPO's, Data Management & Disaster Recovery Practices, Louisiana State Crash Report & Statutes in a Mobile Platform, Creating Interactive Infographics for Highway Safety, Sudden Impact Program Evaluation from the 2018-2019 School Year, Traffic Incident Management, Map Spotting & Spatial Analysis of Crash Data, and Reducing Alcohol-Related Fatalities with Ride Sharing. The Louisiana Traffic Records Coordinating Committee consists of over thirty members representing seventeen agencies and offers this conference to open up the discussion to a broader audience, thus allowing safety stakeholders to share research, crowdsource ideas, troubleshoot problems, and build partnerships. The Traffic Records User Conference provides a forum for the creation, implementation, and management of a traffic safety information system with the goal of providing timely, accurate, complete, uniform, integrated, and accessible traffic safety data.

Transportation Research Board

Spatial Analysis of Rural Crash Fatalities - Jeff Dickey

Louisiana Highway Safety Summit

Beyond Demographics: Examining Seat Belt Use at the Individual Level - Emily Pfetzer
Using LaSET to Evaluate Safety of Enhanced Signing at Curves - Jeff Dickey
Safety Belt Use: New Research Findings About Driver Behavior and Motivations - Helmut Schneider

USDOT Safety Data Forum

Analyzing Crash Data to Reduce Fatalities and Serious Injury Crashes - Cory Hutchinson

Louisiana Transportation Conference

Using LaSET to Evaluate Safety of Enhanced Signing at Curves - Jeff Dickey
Crash Data Overview and Quality Assurance Programs - Cory Hutchinson
Safety Analysis Tools Used for Coalitions and Districtwide Investment Plans - Statewide Dashboards, Network Screening, and Project Level Analysis - Mark Verret
Safety Analysis of Seat Belt Use in Crashes - Jeff Dickey

ATSIP Conference

Spatial Analysis of Crash Data with GIS - Jeff Dickey and Bethany Campbell
Enhanced Crash Data Dashboard Design - David Whitchurch
Locating Crashes with SQL and DotSpatial - Jeff Dickey • Elements of Effective Crash Data Visualization Design - Bethany Campbell and David Whitchurch • Spatial Analysis of Rural Crashes and Their Effect on Crash Severity - Jeff Dickey and Bethany Campbell
Increasing Outreach and the Visibility of Data Resources through the Usage of Social Media - Mary Churay

TRCC Users Conference

LACRASH 101: A Technical Guide to LACRASH for Non-Technical Users - Eric Newman & Mary Churay
What Can Data Do For You? Using a GIS to Analyze Data - Jeff Dickey & Bethany Campbell
Better Cleaning: Efficiently Eliminating Dirty Data and Preparing to Report Fatalities - Sara Graham & Denny Silvio
Using Data to Select Countermeasures on Local Roads and Sources of Data, Maps, and Analyses for Projects - Jeff Dickey
TRCC Open Forum - Karla Houston

ATSIP Conference

An Efficient Data Mining Tool for Analysis of Crash Patterns - Jeff Dickey
Spatial Distribution of Alcohol Involved Crashes in Louisiana - Jeff Dickey
Beyond Demographics: Examining Seat Belt Use at the Individual Level - Emily Pfetzer
Data Integration Roundtable - Karla Houston
Understanding Drugged Driving: Limitations, Insights, and Implications - Emily Pfetzer
Data Analysis with Microsoft PowerBI - Mark Verret
Data Analysis with Tableau and Excel
Your Data - Bethany Campbell
Developing and Using an Application to Improve Data Cleaning, Analysis, and Reporting Tools - Sara Graham & Mark Verret

ESRI Conference

Louisiana Recorded and Predicted Crash Rate by Zip Code - Jeff Dickey & Bethany Campbell

Tableau Conference

Analyzing Crash Data to Reduce Fatalities and Serious Injury Crashes - Cory Hutchinson

Decision Science Institute

Providing Students with Proper Knowledge and Skills for Analytics and Big Data - Cory Hutchinson
Numbers Do Not Have 2 Speak 4 Themselves - Cory Hutchinson
Analyzing Crash Data to Reduce Fatalities and Serious Injury Crashes - Cory Hutchinson

Louisiana Transportation Conference


Drugged Driving in Louisiana - Helmut Schneider
Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Dashboards - Cory Hutchinson
Crash Data Location Lessons Learned - Jeff Dickey

Connecticut Peer Exchange Program


Integration of Roadway and Crash Data for GIS Analysis - Cory Hutchinson
Using Tableau to Build Dashboards for Analyzing Crash Data - Cory Hutchinson

Tableau User Group


Using Tableau to Reach Destination Zero Deaths - Mark Verret

Association of Transportation Safety Information Professionals


Using Tableau to Build Dashboards - Cory Hutchinson
Using GIS to Create Severity Weighted Crash Maps - Jeff Dickey
Analyzing Injury Levels Using Bayesian Networks - Cory Hutchinson
Tracking Data Quality by Police Agency - Jennifer Deroche
Using Tableau to Build Dashboards for Analyzing Crash Data - Cory Hutchinson
TRCC Roundtable - Karla Houston
HSRG Advances in Crash Data Analysis via GIS - Bethany Campbell and Jeff Dickey

Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting


A Model of Storm Surge Inundation of Louisiana Evacuation Routes - Jeff Dickey

International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Information Systems


Excel Walkthrough - Cory Hutchinson & Mark Verret
GIS Walkthrough - Jeff Dickey & Bethany Campbell
A Geographic Information Systems Based Location Information Correction Framework for Crash Records - Omer Soysal
Roadway and Crash Data Processing with a Geographic Information System and Excel - Jeff Dickey
Local Road Crash Analysis and Mapping - Bethany Campbell

International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Information Systems


Analyzing and Reporting Crash Data Utilizing the Latest Microsoft Products - Cory Hutchinson, Mark Verret & Manoj Manda
Increasing Data Accessibility Using Data Visualization - Cory Hutchinson & Bethany Campbell


Best Practices (Winner) - Data Visualization, Crash Data Infographics

SQL Saturday #234


SQL 2012 OLAP vs Tabular Model - Cory Hutchinson

Pass SQL Saturday


Moving to a Data Warehouse
Introduction to Data Quality Services Within SQL 2012
SAS and SQL - Introduction

International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Information Systems


Analyzing Agency Data to Improve Quality - Sara Graham & Ron Whittaker
Interactive Crash Manual - Cory Hutchinson & Aaron Baumert
Louisiana Traffic Records Data Management and Analysis - Cory Hutchinson & Dan Magri
The Importance of Data Warehouses - Cory Hutchinson, Helmut Schneider, & Mark Verret
Exploring Crash Patterns - Data Mining Techniques - Dr. Omer M. Soysal
LACRASH GIS Portal / On-line GIS Data Analysis - Omer M. Soysal and Eric Newman


Best Practices (Honorable Mention) - Web Site, Louisiana Crash Data Reports
Best Practices (Honorable Mention) - Data Visualization, Louisiana Strategic Highway Safety Plan Data
Best Practices (Honorable Mention) - Project, Louisiana HSRG Data Warehouse: One Version of the Truth

International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Information Systems


Analyzing the Quality of Data
Automating the FARS Coding Process
Data Dissemination and Reporting
Update on the Effectiveness of a Digital Pen to Collect Traffic Crash Data
A Framework for Louisiana State Police GIS Based Online CMV Crash Data Analysis System

Louisiana Transportation


A New Method for Disseminating and Reporting Crash Data
Human Behaviors - Driver Distraction

International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Information Systems


Best Website (Honorable Mention)
Louisiana Strategic Highway Safety Plan - Destination Zero Deaths


Update on Analyzing the Quality of Data
Building Data Warehouses and Using Cubes and Dimensions to Aggregate data for fast Web Delivery
Using Microsoft Analysis Services, Power Pivot and SharePoint 2010 to Create ad hoc Analysis of Crash Data
Business Intelligence Tools to Better Understand and Display Crash Data to Assist Decision Makers
Using Safety Performance Functions to provide a Black Spot Analysis