CARTS plays a crucial role in enhancing transportation safety by conducting research activities that span data collection, analysis, human factors, policy assessment, and education. Our work is vital for reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities on roadways and in other transportation modes.
Research Projects
- HP-CMV Project to Improve the Safety of CMVs by Identifying Factors that lead to CMV Crashes: Improving the safety of CMVs by Identifying Crash Precursors using Full Motion Video Data Captured from Traffic Cameras
- HP-CMV Project to Improve the Safety of CMVs by Identifying Factors that lead to CMV Crashes: Use of Casual Analysis for Driver Behavior to Develop High-Fidelity Crash Prediction Models
- HP-CMV Project to Improve the Safety of CMVs by Identifying Factors that lead to CMV Crashes: Development of Louisiana's GIS Roadway Analysis Crash Data
- HP-CMV Project to Improve the Safety of CMVs by Identifying Factors that lead to CMV Crashes: Text Analysis of Crash Report Narratives to Evaluate Crash Precursors
- Child Safety and SR 134
- Curb Management and Social Equity
- Pedestrian Crashes and Racial Diversity
- Investigation of State Restrictions for New Drivers
- Factors Influencing "Salt Belt" Usage
- Economic Effect of Restricted Crossing U-Turn Intersections in Louisiana
- Developing Inexpensive Crash Countermeasures
- Drugged Driving
- Effectiveness of Rumble Strips in Reducing Run-off-the Road Crashes
- Effectiveness of Red-Light Cameras for Reducing the Number of Crashes at Intersections in the City of Lafayette
- Cell Phone Usage While Driving Report
- Occupant Protection Evaluation Report
- Impaired Driving Evaluation Report
- The Effectiveness of Motorcycle Helmets and Mandatory Helmet Laws
- Analysis of the Impact of Increased Speed Limits on Interstates in Louisiana