New Crash Report Manual Posted!
April 12, 2019
In response to user comments, suggestions and guidance from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Manual for Use of the State of Louisiana Uniform Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Report has been revised. After an extensive review, edits were made by a revision task force led by the Louisiana Traffic Records Coordinating Committee. This committee included representatives from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC), the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD), the Louisiana State Police, City Police Officers, and Sheriff's Deputies from across Louisiana.
Investigators will notice that the general verbiage and outline of the Manual has not changed. There are some significant changes and/or clarifications that include:
- New injury definitions to help become compliant with NHTSA's National Definition for Serious Injuries.
- New definitions for Driver Condition, Work Zones, Intersections, Median Openings, RCUTs, (J-Turns), and Roundabouts.
- Explanation has been provided for estimates of CMV Weight and Manner of Collision.
- Additional diagrams help further illustrate relevant information.
- A narrative outline format and sample narratives.
- Investigators will notice detailed explanations and examples throughout the manual.
The Crash Report Manual was created to assist the investigator in the field. The latest revision was made to give investigators greater clarity when completing the Crash Report. Crash Manual